Hiiii! It's me Tay. I am a 26 year old living in Western Maine with my two golden retrievers and the love of my life, Dan.
I am a self-taught lifestyle and wedding photographer. Growing up, I was always very creative and artsy (props to my dad). I grew up going to summer art camps every year, loved drawing, crafting, all the things. I just always knew I'd grow up to have a career that was creative based! I initially went to college for graphic design but later realized I didn't have the creative fire and drive for it. So instead of changing my major, I instead dropped out and pursued something on my own that I always had a passion for—photography. I came to realization that art can not be taught. It's a gift. You have to live, breathe, and love said creative passion. I got my first camera when I was 15 (after using my mom's old Kodak digital camera for years). I never thought I could make a career out of photography and honestly, I'm so glad I took the leap.